Select Publications
(née Yaldoo)
Poltorak DY & Benore E. (2006). Cognitive-behavioral interventions for physical symptom management in pediatric palliative medicine. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 15(3), 683-691.
Poltorak DY & Glazer J. (2006). The development of children's understanding of death: Cognitive and psychodynamic considerations. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 15(3), 567-573.
Glazer J, Hilden J, & Poltorak DY. (2006). Preface: Pediatric palliative medicine. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 15(3), xvii-xx.
Goske MJ, Reid JR, Yaldoo-Poltorak D, & Hewson M. (2005). RADPED: An approach to teaching communication skills to radiology residents. Pediatric Radiology, 35, 381-386.
Harrison AM, Yaldoo DT, Fieseler CM, & Connor JT. (2003). Pre- to post-race changes in self-reported depression scores in ultradistance triathletes - a pilot study. South African Journal of Sports Medicine, 15(3), 11-16.
Jensen VK & Yaldoo DT. (2000). Assessment and treatment of chronic headaches in adolescence. Chapter in Innovations in Clinical Practice: A Source Book, Vol 18. Professional Resource Press: Sarasota, FL.
Keenan PA, Yaldoo DT, Stress ME, Fuerst DR, & Ginsburg KA. (1998). Explicit memory impairment in pregnant women. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 179(3), 731-737.
Keenan PA, Jacobsen MW, Soleymani RM, Mayes MD, Stress ME, & Yaldoo DT. (1996). The effect on memory of chronic prednisone treatment in patients with systemic disease. Neurology, 47(6), 1396-1402.